Mambo 4.5 installation

Pre-installation check for 4.5.1 Beta-3 [Snake] 23/07/2004 23: GMT
If any of the items below are highlighted in red then please take actions to correct them. Failure to do so could lead to your Mambo installation not functioning correctly.
PHP version >= 4.1.0 Yes
  - zlib compression support Available
  - XML support Available
  - MySQL support Available
configuration.php Writeable
Session save path /tmp, Unwriteable
Directory and File Permissions:
In order for Mambo to function correctly it needs to be able to access or write to certain files or directories. If you see "Unwriteable" you need to change the permissions on the file or directory to allow Mambo to write to it.
administrator/backups/ Unwriteable
administrator/components/ Unwriteable
components/ Writeable
images/ Unwriteable
media/ Unwriteable
language/ Unwriteable
modules/ Writeable
templates/ Writeable
uploadfiles/ Unwriteable
Recommended PHP settings (found in php.ini):
Safe Mode: OFF
Display Errors: ON
File Uploads: ON
Magic Quotes: ON
Register Globals: OFF
Output Buffering: OFF
Session auto start: 0